Jim Weidner – Head coach

Sensei Jim Weidner

When did you start practicing Judo?
June 1st, 1974 at the Stevens Point YMCA

What got you interested in doing Judo in the first place?
My wife took judo classes from Mr. Happ at the Y and said I would really enjoy the classes.

Who was your first Sensei? Where there any other significant teachers for you?
My first Sensei was Mr. Edward Happ, Nidan. Other significant teachers were Tom Gustin, Jon Sanfilippo, Lynn Roethke, and Bob Glejf.

When did you reach Black Belt?
Dec. 12, 1979, through USJA

How has Judo affected your life outside the Dojo?
It has given me balance, timing, control and the fun of teaching.

What are some of the most important lessons Judo has taught you?
In addition to the above, it has given me many friendships.

If any what other martial art(s) have you studied? How far did you progress in it/them?
Introduction to Aikido, one kata in karate, a class in Tai Chi

What are some of your proudest achievements in Judo (Tournament victories, awards recieved, rank recieved or other)?
My 6th degree from Sensei Phil Porter, and the ceremony for receiving my Godan from Sensei Jon Sanfilippo

What made you stick with Judo for all of these years?
Great teachers and a good friend, Tom Gustin, with whom to practice

What was your path to black belt like?
It was very fun because I got to do what I like, with people I like.

What advice would you give to a brand new white belt on what it takes to achieve a black belt?
It takes practice, a love of the sport, and perseverance.

What was the transition from student to teacher like for you?
It was great, and became one of the reasons I chose teaching for my professional career.

How long have you been teaching Judo?
1975 to 2008 and on

Where are some of the places you have taught Judo clinics?
UWSP, YMCA, and in Fon du Lac

What is your current Rank in Judo and when did you recieve it?
Currently, I am a 6th degree Black Belt, promoted in Jan. 2003

What are your goals in Judo?
To continue to share the sport of judo with others